Is Birth Certificate Translation Services Necessary For Admission In Singapore College And Schools?

 Birth certificate, a certificate which has all birth details like the hospital where you born or doctor, midwife who treated and others. The birth certificate can refer to an original certifying document that indicates the birth details about the candidate. The needs of birth certificate translation services in Singapore when you are a newbie in foreign nations and not aware of the rule and regulation of birth certificate translation is grand use in admission time. If you are a university or school students and think about taking admission in a foreign reputed school or university, then translation services can be of grand use. Each school, college, and campus has its individual set of needs when it comes to information necessary for processing a request, transfer or admittance. The translation of birth certificates is an essential part of communication to understand the citizenship rules of a foreign country. Basically, birth registration is the responsibility of the doctor, midwife, and parents to keep in the record of a newborn baby. The birth certificate indicates the temporary residential proof while you are taking admission of your ward and apply for other official and non-official works.

What kinds of Documents required to register a birth?

  Most of people having no idea regard birth certificate registration especially they are newer. What kinds of documents they produce to the registration officer. Here the documents list given below that is very helpful for register a birth.

1. Notification of live birth issued by the doctor or Nurse.

2. The parent's identification card (parents who are no Singaporean then they require foreign IC/passport entry permit and embarkation and disembarkation card that is issued by immigration or registration department)

3. For proof of the marriage, the parent's original marriage certificate is required.

4.  The parents of the child also represent a paper of authorization, if birth registration is done by another person.

What should I do if I have lost my birth certificate?

  In the recent past, it is very hard to get any lost records but today’s digital era are the records are kept in a digitally way. If you are passing this type of situation then you must take the birth extract. It is the certified true copy of the certificate by name, date of birth, gender, birth certificate no of NRC, no you can easily get it. By chance, if you have forgotten birth certificate no then you can apply application for search record with an approximate date of birth year.

Do notarized certificates require along with birth certificate translation?

   A notarized certificate is basically issued appointed person who is certified by legal authorities. For academic use, no other certificate require along with birth certificate translation. But, it is noticed that a notary public certificate translation of birth is issued by a certified company. Their experts also issued a certificate with a notarized seal that is valid for govt and non-govt official use.

Can foreign country students able to take admission in Singapore schools?

 As you know all education is rights to all. Here, distance is no barrier but communication may be. Education is no far from your reach as a foreigner especially if you belong to foreign nations. Since the past, it is very difficult to take admission to another country but today’s not. Here, are the following points indicates how can you get admission in Singapore

1.            Apply for permanent residency

2.            International schools

3.            Homeschooling

4.            Inclosing

5.            Applying under Singapore primary school phase 3


Overall, birth certificate translation plays a vital role in academics. Certified translation services are necessary for the translation of the document accompanied by a signed statement from the expert's translator. At Singapore translators, you get an effective quality that fulfills all your needs regarding academics into targeted languages.


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